nutrition love your body fit


Did you know that when you’re trying to lose weight and get leaner, your diet should be 70% of your focus and your workouts 30%?

This doesn’t mean you should slack on your workouts. I try to aim for about 4/5 days a week of getting my heart rate up and moving for at least 25 minutes. Think about that, only 25 mins or so of your whole day is spent on exercise…such a teeny tiny sliver of your day.  

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So what should you eat, you ask?

Well, that is very customizable to you and your family’s lifestyle.  Overall as Americans, we could all stand to eat more greens. Increasing your vegetable intake helps not only your waistline, but your skin’s youthfulness, your heart, and your energy throughout the day. Not everyone loves veggies… I get it (my child especially).  

Tip 1:  What I highly recommend and drink every single day is what we like to call “Health in a cup” aka Shakeology. Modern farming methods can make food more accessible but often less nutritious. You can be well fed but undernourished.  This shake fills that gap created with some of the worlds best SUPER FOODS.

shakeology love your body fit

What does Shakeology contain that makes it so special?

  • Antioxidants

  • Adaptogen herbs

  • Digestive Enzymes

  • Phytonutrients

  • 6 grams of fiber

  • Vitamins & Minerals

  • Comes in a vegan and whey based formulas

Tip 2: I am a firm believer in Meal Prepping.  Both my husband and I work full time and we have a very lively little 1.5yr old whom we want to spend all our time with when we get home from work. The time it takes to plan a healthy dinner, make sure you have all the ingredients, and then actually make it and get it on everyone’s plates….is A LOT. 

I highly suggest spending a couple hours, on a day you’re not working, and making large batches of healthy options you can use through out the week. Thus, saving you time and mental sanity on the days your time is running short. For example, I take a couple hours on the weekend and make large amounts of sheet pan veggies, ground turkey / beef, or cook a pork loin in the oven. I am a pescatarian so I make protein substitutes for myself. 

Tip 3:  I always make a healthy soup in the slow cooker. Not only does a warm soup soothe the soul and make us naturally feel more grounded, but also you can make a large quantity and then freeze it for whenever you want to use later on.

I have linked below a few of my favorite healthy recipes I love to cook for my family!

***Remember you can add or substitue for you choice of protein ***

Interested in gettng weekly recipes and quite possibly in the best shape of your life?